Made in 2004 from the Beetle Cat Shop. Asking $10,000.

9' sailing dinghy by Old Town Canoe Co. Wood/canvas construction. Has complete sailing rig, paddles, and builders plate. Very good condition; Has been in storage for many years. $5,200

We offer 10' fiberglass rowing skiffs. We cut out the seats and railings out of teak. Options include bottom paint, hull paint, stripe and gunwale gaurd.

We also offer 13' fiberglass PeaPods. We cut and install the seats and railings out of teak. Options include bottom paint, hull paint, gunwale guard. Available in both rowing and sailing models.

Traditional wood/canvas construction. Built in 2001. Barely used, in excellent condition. Includes four mahogany folding seats. $6,000

16'. Includes 1 pair of 8ft oars, a paddle, and carrying yoke. A very beautiful boat in remarkable, original condition. $15,000.

15' guideboat built by The Adirondack Guideboat in 2000. This strip built, bright finished beauty has never been used! Includes custom cherry oars and a full cover. $11,900.